- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27, 2024
In the stillness of the night, my mind is agitated, beseeching for your immediate intervention, voicing my immense concern over the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, specifically Israel's actions against the people of Palestine. Yes, it troubles me that my tax dollars, our funding, is being utilized to perpetuate what amounts to an endless cycle of destruction, hatred, and death. I implore immediate discontinuation of this fervent aggression, a plea from a distraight man echoing the cries of millions globally. Is it not imperative for us to uphold human rights, to prevent the torment of innocent civilians? It was from this very understanding that our nation was born, and it is our shared intact humanity that demands we act urgently, decisively. We, the people of the United States, have the right to express our genuine concerns where our tax money is being allocated, especially so when it incites violence and fuels warfare. Unmistakeably, the provision of arms and military support to Israel has played a significant role in amplifying the conflict, leading to a horrendous loss of innocent lives, a flagrant violation of all principles we as a nation hold dear. There is imminent need for an effective solution, one that includes immediate ceasefire, beneficial dialogue, and a significant cut in military support to Israel until an equitable resolution is achieved. Press for immediate effort to end this long-standing conflict – a manifestation of violence and despair that has tainted countless innocent lives with sorrow and suffering. These are not merely words on paper; they encapsulate a human cry for peace and justice, for an end to carnage and devastation. Invoke empathy, not armaments; encourage dialogue, not enmity; endorse life, not death. Wars do not determine who is right - only who is left. And it's high time we stop determining who is left, and focus on what is right. Remember, the flame of freedom, which was lighted in our great nation can share its brilliance across the world, pacifying troubled spots rather than igniting them. Let's not allow this flame to flicker and die.
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