  1. United States
  2. Letter

End US support of Israeli atrocities in Gaza + Rafah

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Brooklyn, NY

May 29

This morning I learned that the US does not consider this past weekend‘s assault on Rafah to cross “the red line”. The weapons used in that strike were made by Boeing and supplied by the United States. We enabled the killing of those innocent civilians and children. What will it take to stop actively supporting these war crimes? Hamas has agreed to hand over hostages for a cease fire. More extremists are being created every day by the atrocies enacted in this war. That does not make the US (or Israel) safe. I am embarrassed by our country, and I am embarrassed by the Democratic party that I have always supported in the past. This letter is not coming from an “extreme leftist.” My folks are independents and feel the same. You are making your voters step over dead bodies to vote for you. I genuinely don’t know what to do. Please stop your support for Israel. I support the Jewish people; this is not that. The United States must end US financial and military support for Israel and their assault in Palestine and innocent people.

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