  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

July 25

I am your constituent and I am fed up with women being treated as 2nd class citizens without bodily autonomy. Aren’t you? The Comstock Act can be used to prevent the mailing of critical abortion medications. There is nothing in law that precludes application of the Comstock Act being applied to abortion medications. More than 60% of all abortions use those medications safely and effectively and 20% of those are sent to women by mail. Invoking the Comstock Act would harm women who need that medicine in the US and unduly harm women in rural and underserved areas. There are several things you can do to restore women to full citizenship and I want you to do it. First, make sure that women can access abortion medication by mail and telehealth and actively support Senator Tina Smith’s and Representative Becca Balint’s “Stop Comstock Act”. Here is a link to the summary for you. Use discharge petitions, rules suspension or whatever means are necessary to get a vote on this and start helping the women who are your constituents. Then you can pass the Women’s Health Protection Act (S. 701/HR 12) to restore the right to an abortion nationwide.” Then please stand up and speak long and loud about your support for women’s rights. Thank you.

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