  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

President Biden should Withdraw from the 2024 Presidential Race

To: Sen. Baldwin, Sen. Johnson, Rep. Pocan

From: A constituent in Madison, WI

July 17

President Biden's flagging support demands bold action to unite voters Biden should drop out of the 2024 presidential race to allow Democrats to nominate a new candidate that has broader support within the party, according to the findings of a recent AP- NORC poll. The survey revealed a significant erosion of confidence in the president, with nearly two-thirds of Democrats indicating a desire for him to withdraw. This lack of enthusiasm from his own party base presents a formidable obstacle for Biden's re-election prospects. Furthermore, the poll uncovered concerns about his age and mental acuity, with only about 30% of Democrats expressing high confidence in his cognitive capabilities to serve effectively. These factors cast doubt on Biden's viability as a candidate and underscore the need for the Democratic Party to seriously consider alternatives who can generate broader support and have a better chance of defeating Donald Trump.

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