Approve aid to Ukraine
  1. United States
  2. Okla.
  3. Letter

Approve aid to Ukraine

To: Sen. Mullin, Sen. Lankford

From: A constituent in Tulsa, OK

April 16

For the safety of the America and of the world, Congress needs to continue military aid to Ukraine for its fight against Russian invasion.  This is a matter of immediate and utmost importance,    While speaking with many of my friends, both Republican and Democrat we remembered a time in 1956 when Russia stormed into Hungary to put down a revolt by the Hungarian people. It was a tragic affair that did not end well for the people of Budapest. Given the situation in Ukraine as I am writing it seems appropriate to call to mind the phrase, “ America where are you?” repeated over and over by Hungarian freedom fighters on their shortwave radios, their only means of communication.  Young men and women fought in the streets and old men and women hurled Molotov cocktails from their apartment windows down onto Russian tanks. To us it was a heroic and tragic event.  Their attempt to lift the iron curtain that had descended on Hungary, East Germany and Eastern Europe failed. Today the courageous people of Ukraine are crying out, America where are you?   Ukraine is slowly being overwhelmed by a Russia driven by the fantasies of a would-be Stalin.  Our Congress is standing by while Ukrainian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians, mothers and children are being killed every day by an evil empire consisting of Russian troops supported by North Korea, and Iran, and with sideways glances of appreciation from China. Without timely American aid to Ukraine, this rising imperial Russia will bring a terrible new European war upon the whole of the world.  If they are successful in Ukraine a new Iron Curtain will descend upon Europe.  It will subsume Moldova in a moment and begin a creep through proxies toward Kaliningrad through Poland.  Without full support from America, neither Poland or any Eastern European country will be safe, and they will be forced to resort to a tit for tat war with Russia reminiscent of the situation the Ukrainian Donetsk region prior to the Russian invasion. Will America be safe in a world where ground conflict can at any moment lead to intended or unintended nuclear strikes, no it will not,   “America, where are you?”.

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