  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Schenectady, NY

July 25

Please be more clear about the difference between Judaism and the political State of Israel. American Jews and even Israeli Jews are calling for ceasefire because of their faith. Palestinians deserve to live in peace in their generational family homeland. It was an oasis before Netanyahu dropped American bombs on it and attacked the olive groves. Gaza is being turned into a wasteland of destruction with our American tax dollars, and Netanyahu should never have been given a place to speak to Congress as long as he is perpetuating these horrific war crimes. Stop arming him, stop diverting our tax dollars from where we need infrastructure and education and healthcare, because there is a clear difference between support for a religious group and support for a genocide. Listen to the Jewish Voices for Peace. Listen to the Palestinians who are being slaughtered, who are begging for their lives, whose children are screaming. Listen to the doctors who are mortified by what they are seeing. Stand on the difference between a political regime and a faith, support the ideals of Judaism by refusing to arm this terror. Name the sacred values of Judaism as you learn them from Jewish Voices for Peace, and stand against this genocide. We must be better than this.

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