  1. United States
  2. Kan.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Pettey, Gov. Kelly, Rep. Ruiz

From: A verified voter in Kansas City, KS

July 7

I'm lying in the sun, listening to my son play in the playground while my husband chases him around. I feel safe here. I want that to continue for every human living in America. Project 2025 is an English version of Mein Kampf. I'm going to be okay, but there are barely any people I know that will be AS okay as I will be. I'm extremely privileged and that's not right. My husband wants to leave the country. I do not. I think that the world is round and that there is no escape from systemic injustice. I think we need to turn and face the tiger. Project 2025 is that tiger and we need to put it in a cage where it belongs. I implore you to do your civic duty by your constituents, the average American citizen, and every vulnerable person here. We have a duty by every moral and ethic code of civilization to protect those that cannot protect themselves. Do something. Please.

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