  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Expand Supreme Court to restore democratic integrity

To: Sen. Rubio, Rep. Castor, Sen. Scott

From: A verified voter in Saint Petersburg, FL

July 26

The far-right majority on the Supreme Court has undermined our democracy through a series of rulings that erode rights and subvert the will of the people. We must restore integrity and public trust in this vital institution. Passing the Judiciary Act to expand the Court from 9 to 13 justices is a necessary step. This has historical precedent, with the Court being expanded seven times before, including by Presidents Lincoln and Adams. Expanding the Court will dilute the undue influence of the current captured majority and allow for a more balanced and legitimate judiciary that faithfully upholds our Constitution and democratic principles. The crisis of legitimacy at the Court demands bold action. I urge you to support the Judiciary Act as a crucial reform to protect our democracy.

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