  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Kelly, Pres. Biden, Sen. Sinema, Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

July 2

The United States Post Office has lost checks, that I had my bank send, for the second time in a year. These checks were posted from my bank to my payee. Last time they lost one of the two checks. You have to wonder how they manage to lose one out of two checks that were sent at the same time. Now two checks are missing. We know the United States Post Office is capable of operating correctly but the Republican appointed postmaster is focused on destroying the United States Post office to benefit private carriers. He is deliberately destroying the United States Post office for private gain. THIS HAS BEEN THE OBJECTIVE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY FOR DECADES. The Republican party is focused on destroying all public institutions in favor of profit for corporations. They target anything that actually serves the interests of the citizens of the United States. The USPS is failing under the leadership of postmaster DeJoy. He must be removed.

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