End Marijuana Prohibition with the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act!
  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

End Marijuana Prohibition with the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act!

To: Sen. Rubio, Sen. Scott

From: A constituent in Jacksonville, FL

April 18

I am pleased that Senate Leader Schumer, along with Senators Cory Booker and Ron Wyden have released the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA). This act was created to end federal marijuana prohibition and support programs to expunge previous criminal records and support small businesses getting licensed in the emerging legal market. Now I want you to support it! The federal criminalization of cannabis harms our communities. According to the most recent arrest data, an American is put into handcuffs for a marijuana offense every 90 seconds. Per the ACLU, Black Americans are nearly 4 times more likely to be arrested than their white counterparts, despite similar consumption rates. Maintaining marijuana prohibition flies in the face of voters, who consistently support legalization. Majorities of Democratic, Independent, and Republican voters all support the legalization of marijuana. Where marijuana legalization has been on the ballot, it has won, often overwhelmingly. In April 2022, the House of Representatives already passed their own bill to legalize marijuana called the MORE Act, and much of that bill has been included in this new Senate effort. Building upon the progress of MORE, the CAOA includes enhanced provisions for highway safety, veterans healthcare, youth use prevention, and many other important public safety elements associated with comprehensive marijuana policy reform. Legalization cannot wait. Please co-sponsor the CAOA and push for a vote on it as soon as possible. Thanks!

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