  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Prioritize comprehensive federal online privacy laws to protect consumers.

To: Rep. Stanton, Sen. Sinema, Sen. Kelly

From: A verified voter in Chandler, AZ

September 20

The Federal Trade Commission's recent report highlights the concerning extent of data collection and surveillance conducted by major social media and video streaming platforms. These companies have amassed vast troves of personal information from users and non-users alike, including details about household income, location, and interests. This data is then leveraged to fuel targeted advertising efforts through complex algorithms and artificial intelligence systems that often lack transparency. Particularly alarming is the revelation that almost all of these platforms have virtually no restrictions on collecting data from minors, treating teens and children the same as adults. This poses significant risks to the privacy and well-being of young people. Given the pervasive and often opaque nature of this surveillance economy, strong federal privacy legislation is desperately needed. New laws should aim to limit excessive data collection practices, curtail invasive targeted advertising, and establish robust protections for minors online. Consumers deserve clear rights over their personal information and the ability to make informed choices about how their data is collected and utilized. Privacy is a fundamental human right that is being eroded by the business models of these tech giants. Decisive action from Congress to rein in unbridled surveillance capitalism is crucial to safeguarding consumer privacy and autonomy in the digital age. The FTC's findings underscore the urgency of this issue and the need for comprehensive federal privacy laws to counterbalance the exploitative practices of these powerful industry players.

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