  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cruz

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

September 27

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Tis the season to be driven insane by political ads. Some are worthy. Some uplift us. Some are deliberately misleading. And some are just downright hateful. I see both Colin Allred and Ted Cruz ads as they duke it out heading out to November. And I see that Senator Cruz’s current hobby horse to beat is trans kids. Concerned about trans kids in sports, and the threat they pose to women and girls. Using children in political ads to focus hate is loathsome. Focusing hate on a minority of Americans is such an easy tactic to employ. Which the GOP is masterful at doing. It is an ever-successful method. It always works. But it is the lowest of the low paths to take. All under the transparent guise of protecting women and girls. That’s rich. Y’all took away a major protection for women by overturning Roe v Wade. So please spare us the hypocritical concern for our well-being. In the meantime, stop picking on children for politics. You do know that many are driven to either take their own lives, or at the very least think about it, because of this kind of persecution? Elected officials should care about the well-being of ALL their constituents. Sadly, one of my Texas senators made the conscious decision not to. He hopes to keep his job by using children as political fodder. You’re on the wrong side of history dude.

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