  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Urgent action needed: Impose sanctions to halt Gaza crisis

To: Rep. De La Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz

From: A verified voter in Hidalgo, TX

July 12

The continued military aid and sale of weapons to Israel amid the risk of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza is a violation of federal law. By providing arms and funding to a party potentially committing genocidal acts, the United States government is complicit in enabling conditions intended to destroy a protected group through inflicting life-threatening deprivations. To uphold domestic and international legal obligations, the provision of military assistance should cease immediately until definitive steps are taken to end the assault on Gaza, allow humanitarian access, and address the plausible risk of genocide as determined by the International Court of Justice. Failure to curtail military support under these circumstances represents a transgression of genocide prevention statutes.

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