  1. United States
  2. Letter

Thank you for your service, Mr. President

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Lincoln, CA

July 23

Thank you President Biden for your service. I have seen how the Biden and Harris administration has improved my family's lives. You signed into law the CHIPS ACT which brought historic 1.5 BILLION semiconductor investment to my area of Roseville, CA which will bring quality jobs and stimulate growth in our local economy. Your administration brought us the Inflation Reduction Act that lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and finally makes the largest corporations pay their fair share. Medicare is now able to negotiate the price of certain high-cost drugs, insulin for seniors is capped at $35/mo., Medicare beneficiaries pay $0 out of pocket for vaccines, and out of pocket expenses at the pharmacy will be capped at $2,000/yr. The world faced gas price surges due to Russia’s attacks on Ukraine but due to your wisdom, including a historic release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, U.S. gas prices are down more than $1.60 from their summer 2022 peak and by refilling the Reserve when prices dropped, you saved money and strengthened our safety net. Former President Trump tried to change a rule for Social Security Disability that would have added a new classification, “Medical Improvement Likely,” and singled out as many as 4.4 million recipients between the ages of 50 and 65 to prove they were still disabled at least every TWO years. The new classification rule prompted much outcry and had little scientific basis since disabled people’s conditions generally deteriorate as they age. Not only would that new rule kicked off as many as 4+ million who paid into SSDI and went through so many hoops to be approved in the first place, the more frequent reviews would’ve caused staff to have a larger workload reviewing cases so the already long initial approval process would go even longer (takes many people 3 years). So when you came into office, you blocked his rule and saved millions of our disabled loved ones from ending up without Medicare and unhoused. You fulfilled your promise to pass the torch to the next generation which is something we will always be grateful for. I fully support Harris for President 2024 and plan to vote with her policy in mind up and down the ballot. I know how much your son, who was a Veteran, meant to you and I was so moved when I watched you sign the PACT Act which is the most significant expansion of benefits and services for toxic exposed veterans in more than 30 years. I am greatly heartened to hear that some amazing Veterans may be under Kamala’s consideration for Vice President, including Sec. PETE BUTTIGIEG and Sen. MARK KELLY. Either of them would bring so much to the ticket. Endorsing Harris was such a great decision and I cannot recommend enough the person you chose as Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg or his fellow veteran Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona to be alongside Kamala Harris in finishing the job you started. Thank you, Mr. President.

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