  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

Wars, conflicts, human rights violations - these are not merely news headlines but a devastating reality that has persisted for far too long. My voice is but a drop in the vast ocean, yet I write, hoping against hope, to turn the tide of indifference and inaction. The plight of Palestinian civilians, aggravated by the militaristic actions of Israel, is a blemish on humanity, a stark reminder of how low we can stoop. If the U.S. continues to fuel this with financial aid and arms supply to Israel, then it becomes an unfortunate accessory to the atrocities committed. We may be ordinary civilians with limited direct influence, but collectively, our voices carry weight, the potential to shake the foundations of inhumane actions, and emit a beacon of hope in the darkness. The turmoil of Palestinian civilians cannot be reduced to mere statistics; each number signifies the disintegration of a home, the heartrending cry of a mother losing her child, a future gleaming with potential replaced with a life of despair, all under the shadow of U.S. sponsored arms. To wait for a perfect solution while witnessing numerous lives being unjustly snuffed out, is not the path of a benevolent nation. Instead, it is the road tread by those who value power over human lives. Immediate steps in ceasing this warfare should be taken. It is time to abolish these silent and indirect crimes against humanity. Sever the chains of financial aid, stop the delivery of weapons, and commit instead to diplomacy, negotiations, and peace. This isn't a plea to take sides, but a call for humanitarian intervention, to rise above politics, for the sake of humanity.

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