- United States
- Mo.
- Letter
There currently remains a semblance of Three Branches of Government. And you and your party currently hold all three. Yet you sit idly by while a man that was not elected, has not been vetted, has no security clearance is accessing formally secure files.
Musk, with no clearance, no formal appointment to any department or cabinet position has been handed the keys to the vault. Musk and his motley crew scamper like rats through private, once secure information. They send out threatening messages to government. They threaten termination of employment, without legal cause. The use their stolen power to inflict confusion, fear and conflict. They are vindictive and retaliatory in their actions.
And you sit silently by and ignore your duties and obligation. You have broken your oath and are complicit in this activity.
This attack on the CITIZENS of the United States is terrorism. Cyber Terrorism.
It is purposeful in causing fear, turmoil, and intimidation to the people. This activity has negatively impacted the financial stability of the markets. This unchecked behavior, vague threats of reprisals against employees and private Citizens is tactical, purposeful, vindictive and terrorizing. It is Cyber Terrorism.
You are responsible for this planned mayhem. You have the responsibility and obligation to this end this behavior.
You, hold all three Branches. If you want change, do it in the appropriate manner.
Stop the harassment, retaliatory and vindictive behavior.
We demand this deplorable behavior end.