Oppose SB279 (Transportation and Insurance Policies)
  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Oppose SB279 (Transportation and Insurance Policies)

To: Rep. Davis, Gov. Landry, Sen. Foil

From: A verified voter in Baton Rouge, LA

April 23

I am writing to express my strong opposition to Senate Bill 279, which proposes significant changes to Louisiana's transportation and insurance policies.  As your constituent, I am deeply concerned about the potential financial impacts this legislation could have on families like mine.    1) Impact on Transportation Costs  SB279 seeks to limit the use of personal vehicles, which would significantly impact how families commute to school or work and access essential services. The increased reliance on public transportation or ride-sharing services would result in higher out-of-pocket expenses, potentially straining already tight family budgets. Many of my neighbors, especially those with limited mobility or living in areas with inadequate public transit, would face significant challenges in meeting their daily transportation needs.  2) Increased Insurance Premiums  The proposed changes to insurance regulations under SB279 are also a major concern. By limiting the factors insurers can consider when setting rates, this bill could lead to higher premiums not only for my family but for other Louisiana residents as well. At a time when the cost of living is already a significant burden, additional financial strain from increased insurance costs would be detrimental to household's across our state.  As a concerned constituent, I urge you to carefully consider the negative financial impacts that SB279 could have on families like mine.  I believe that this legislation, if enacted, would place an undue burden on Louisiana residents. I urge you to oppose SB379.

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