  1. United States
  2. Letter

Please unleash Ukraine

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Vancouver, WA

May 25

Please unleash Ukraine. This morning, Russia has bombed a Ukranian shopping center filled with civilians, a kindergarten, and civilian housing. Russia does not want peace - Russia is trying to genocide Ukraine. Just yesterday they bombed a Ukranian publishing house. Russia does not believe Ukraine exists. Russia is a terrorist state at this point. This could all be stopped if Russia withdraws its troops from Ukraine. It is IMPERATIVE that Ukraine be able to respond to this terrorism in any way it sees fit, just like Israel has been able to do after the terroristic attack o Israel. Russia has explicitly stated they are trying to genocide Ukraine. UKRAINE MUST BE UNLEASHED. We are not adequately defending them as we promised to do if they are not properly able to FIGHT BACK.

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