"Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws in Wyoming Now"
  1. United States
  2. Wyo.
  3. Letter

"Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws in Wyoming Now"

To: Rep. Hageman, Sen. Barrasso, Sen. Lummis

From: A constituent in Pinedale, WY

April 10

The recent incident involving a man allegedly torturing and killing a wolf in Wyoming has sparked international outrage. The details of the incident, including the use of a snowmobile to run down the wolf, taping its mouth shut, and ultimately shooting it, are deeply disturbing. This event underscores the urgent need for policy reform in Wyoming, particularly regarding animal cruelty statutes and their applicability to predatory species. It is crucial to consider steeper penalties and additional animal cruelty charges in such cases. The practice of running over coyotes and wolves with snowmobiles should be banned. This incident has led to widespread condemnation and calls for tougher animal cruelty laws. Therefore, it is requested that additional animal cruelty charges be brought against the individual involved, as a step towards comprehensive policy reform.

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