  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

The heart shudders, the mind spins in agony when the horrid reports filtering in from the dens of conflict in the Middle East hold our screens hostage. Lives lost, futures ruined, homes razed, these aren't mere news items, but the untold stories of human sufferings that breathe and bleed in the crevices of our shared responsibility. The carnage means much more than can be conveyed in emotionless statistics and graph reports; it is the uprooting of human lives, the shattering of dreams, and the death of morality. As each bomb explodes in civilian neighborhoods, so does a piece of humanity in each of us - this is the real tragedy of our times. It is undeniable that the U.S. plays a notable role in these atrocities. The bloodshed is far removed from our borders, yet our hands aren't clean. The funding and arming of Israel's ruthless pursuit against Palestinian civilians is nothing short of a betrayal of the core values we hold dear as a nation. We lose the moral ground to lecture other nations about the sanctity of human life, when our own actions lead to widespread death and destruction. It is a dreadful paradox, one that shames us in the eyes of the world and mocks our claim to the high moral ground. Now is the time for introspection and for peaceful action. We cannot, we should not be the purveyors of terror. It is incumbent on us, the stalwarts of freedom who bear the torch of liberty, to demand a ceasefire. Now. Today. This very moment. We must call on our leaders to discontinue the funding of these senseless, inhumane attacks – this isn't a geopolitical chess game, these are human lives we're dealing with. Our advocacy may seem like a mere ripple in the ocean of indifference, but remember, it is such ripples that spawn a tidal wave of change. We must demand an end to policies that keep us steeped in this horrific cycle of violence. The grandeur of America isn’t forged on the anvils of wars but conceived in the womb of peace and equity.

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