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  2. Texas
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To: Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cruz

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

October 16

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I expect more reporting will be coming out of the Fox News all women town hall DJT participated in in Atlanta, but already we’re reading how he used the death of a young woman as a punch line. The death of Amber Thurman, a 28-year-old mother, has been linked directly to Georgia’s draconian abortion ban, a ban that exists because Donald Trump loudly and proudly oversaw the end of Roe. v. Wade during his presidency. From USA Today reporting: “Noting that Thurman’s family held a press call hosted by Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s campaign before the Fox News event, host Harrison Faulkner, with snark in her voice, said to Trump: “Amber Thurman’s family have come out on a press call, and they’re doing what’s called a prebuttal to our town hall right now.” “Oh, that’s nice,” Trump said, dismissively, as the crowd chuckled. Then he said: “We’ll get better ratings, I promise.” And Faulkner and the crowd erupted in laughter.” Her family loved her. The children she left behind loved her. And Trump, protector of woman, thinks it’s all a big joke. Any of us could put ourselves in the family’s position. I expect all of us have at least one woman in their family. That they love. And would be devastated to lose in any fashion, much less as a result of actions of the man sitting on a stage making cruel jokes at their expense. He is a vile man. And his audience, of women, should be ashamed if they laughed. And mortified if they did not. They are as cruel and heartless as the man they applaud. I cannot believe the GOP supports this weak insult of a man.

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