  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz, Rep. Pfluger

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

September 23

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “WOMEN ARE POORER THAN THEY WERE FOUR YEARS AGO, ARE LESS HEALTHY THAN THEY WERE FOUR YEARS AGO, ARE LESS SAFE ON THE STREETS THAN THEY WERE FOUR YEARS AGO, ARE MORE DEPRESSED AND UNHAPPY THAN THEY WERE FOUR YEARS AGO, AND ARE LESS OPTIMISTIC AND CONFIDENT IN THE FUTURE THAN THEY WERE FOUR YEARS AGO! I WILL FIX ALL OF THAT, AND FAST, AND AT LONG LAST THIS NATIONAL NIGHTMARE WILL BE OVER. WOMEN WILL BE HAPPY, HEALTHY, CONFIDENT AND FREE! YOU WILL NO LONGER BE THINKING ABOUT ABORTION, BECAUSE IT IS NOW WHERE IT ALWAYS HAD TO BE, WITH THE STATES, AND A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE ‒ AND WITH POWERFUL EXCEPTIONS, LIKE THOSE THAT RONALD REAGAN INSISTED ON, FOR RAPE, INCEST, AND THE LIFE OF THE MOTHER ‒ BUT NOT ALLOWING FOR DEMOCRAT DEMANDED LATE TERM ABORTION IN THE 7TH, 8TH, OR 9TH MONTH, OR EVEN EXECUTION OF A BABY AFTER BIRTH. I WILL PROTECT WOMEN AT A LEVEL NEVER SEEN BEFORE. THEY WILL FINALLY BE HEALTHY, HOPEFUL, SAFE, AND SECURE. THEIR LIVES WILL BE HAPPY, BEAUTIFUL, AND GREAT AGAIN!” Can you guess who said this? What planet is this man from to think that this totally condescending, misogynistic, disrespectful, paternalistic, looney-tunes BS coming from a convicted sex offender, who cheated on his wife/wives, paid off a porn star to keep quiet about it, bragged about grabbing women whenever, wherever and by whatever he wants, while continually affirming how proud he is to have taken away our most basic human right of bodily autonomy, will make us now swoon with gratitude for all he’s done for us? And will do for us if we please please please help re-elect him? He sees us as some desired combination of a Stepford Wife and a Handmaid. And that all we need is a big man like him to step in and make it all better. There has never been a more tone-deaf, less self-aware man alive. Guess what. We WERE better off four years ago. But not because of him, but because we still had our rights to self-determination intact. That HE orchestrated to take away. He’s the one who made us depressed. Unhappy. Less healthy. Less optimistic. And way less confident of the future. He did all that. His deluded projecting will not change one sentient mind. Every time he makes pronouncements like this, more women get madder, more women register to vote, more women work harder to change the course of the future that your presidential candidate handed us. More women donate to pro-choice candidates. He will not win this fight. And he absolutely will never ever win in November. But he should keep talking. He’s a great motivator. Just not in the way he thinks.

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