  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Onder, Sen. Schmitt, Sen. Hawley

From: A constituent in Columbia, MO

January 9

There are many things that are upsetting to me as a citizen of this United States, but one of the main reasons is that the government officials of my state claim to be pro-life, yet we do not have any mandatory paid parental leave policies in place. It has come to my attention that Nestle Corporation is one of the leading lobbyists to fund against mandatory maternity leave. How is this fair to the American people? Something. Has. To. Give. And it's not right that there are people like Elon Musk running around with billions of dollars paying people off to make the rules and jump through the loop holes to refuse paying the hard working people their fair wages enough to provide them with the Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. Every human being deserves shelter, water, food, and access to proper healthcare. This system is broken. It's inconvenient. It's expensive. And it's made to make disabled people more poor, and keep them even more poor. Two of my friends commit suicide last year because of lack of access to health care and financial stress. Tax the Billionaires. Stop allowing Corporations to Lobby and influence policies. Give us proper Healthcare without for Profit Insurance. Cap wages of CEO's and Executives to where they can't make a certain percentage more than their lowest paid employees.

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