  1. United States
  2. Ky.
  3. Letter

End single-bid road contracts, promote fair competition

To: Gov. Beshear, Sen. Tichenor, Rep. Bojanowski

From: A constituent in Louisville, KY

July 26

The practice of awarding single-bid contracts for road construction work in Kentucky has led to significant overspending and inefficient use of taxpayer dollars. State data reveals that nearly one-third of all road work contracts from 2018 to 2021 were single-bid, with 60% of those awarded at costs exceeding engineer estimates by a total of $9.6 million. In contrast, projects with multiple bidders collectively resulted in $248 million in savings below state projections. This lack of competitive bidding has enabled a handful of large companies to dominate the road construction market, with little incentive to keep costs down. Twelve firms currently control over $2 billion worth of active contracts. The cozy relationship between politicians, lobbyists, and these major contractors has allowed this wasteful system to persist unchecked. To safeguard public funds and foster a truly competitive marketplace, decisive action must be taken to eliminate single-bid contracts for road work. Implementing robust anti-corruption measures and opening up the bidding process to greater scrutiny and participation would promote cost-effective spending and ethical governance. Taxpayers deserve accountability and assurance that their money is being utilized responsibly on critical infrastructure projects.

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