  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Pass Assault Rifle Ban Today

To: Sen. Bennet, Sen. Hickenlooper, Rep. DeGette

From: A constituent in Denver, CO

July 15

Hi, I'm a constituent calling from Denver. My name is Sandy. The horrifying events over the weekend prove once again that assault weapons have no place in our country. They are weapons of war and shouldn’t be in the hands of civilians. I want the Senator/ Congressperson to call for an immediate vote on the Assault Weapons Ban Act — S. 25/ HB 698/S.J.R 92. We should also be requiring background checks and imposing an age limit of 21 on all gun purchases. In fact, let’s put all of that in a new bill and call it the “Trump Assault Ban.” Then pass that bill right away. Thanks.

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