Condemning your brutal and cowardly MPD sweep of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment
  1. United States
  2. D.C.
  3. Letter

Condemning your brutal and cowardly MPD sweep of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment

To: Mayor Bowser

From: A constituent in Washington, DC

May 8

I am writing to you today appalled by your cowardly actions this morning in sweeping the DMV Gaza Solidarity Encampment at GWU. You have caved to Congressional pressure, and in doing so, set precedent which erodes home rule in DC. You previously stated that DC knows how to manage protests ourselves. We have the most experience in the nation with this, and yet today you have allowed Congress to trample over our rights and responsibilities with their politicking. You have failed to protect the First Amendment rights of our students and the home rule rights of all us DC citizens.

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