  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Wyden, Rep. Blumenauer, Sen. Merkley

From: A verified voter in Portland, OR

November 18

I'm writing to request that Rep Blumenauer vote NO to HR 9495 when it comes back to the floor again next week. The changes to the bill aren't enough to address all previous concerns regarding it creating new powers that would be ripe for abuse. While HR 9495's core aim of supporting wrongfully detained U.S. nationals is sound, the bill would still empower any Secretary of the Treasury with a too Blumenauer to vote no. l that would give them broad discretionary powers, which could easily become a threat to free speech and a violation of due process. I am calling on Rep Blumenauer to vote no. Thank you for your work on our behalf.

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