  1. United States
  2. Letter

Democratic Party's 2024 leadership decision critical for nation's future

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Longmont, CO

July 8

President Biden, the call for you to step aside and not seek re-election in 2024 is growing louder within the Democratic Party. Nearly a dozen members of Congress, including influential committee leaders, have expressed doubts about your ability to defeat Donald Trump. While you have remained defiant, the concerns raised by these lawmakers cannot be ignored. They believe fielding a fresh candidate, potentially Vice President Kamala Harris, would give the party the best chance of victory. Prioritizing the nation's interests above all else, I urge you to carefully consider stepping down. This would allow for an open nomination process and increase the likelihood of uniting the party behind a nominee who can inspire voters and counter Trump's divisive rhetoric. Beating Trump in 2024 must be the paramount goal, and many worry your candidacy puts that at risk. I implore you to have an honest dialogue with party leaders and make the selfless decision that is best for the country.

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