- United States
- Minn.
- Letter
Stop Suppressing Public Engagement with SBI Meetings
To: Gov. Walz
From: A constituent in Minneapolis, MN
December 10
As a lifelong Minnesota resident and taxpayer, I am extremely disappointed in the behavior of the Minnesota State Board of Investments while conducting today’s meeting. Closing SBI meetings to public comment, moving the meetings to hybrid format only, and only permitting a limited number of the public to attend starting 15 minutes after the meeting began is not at all conducive to democratic input. As taxpayers and residents of Minnesota, we deserve to have a free, fair, and enthusiastic say in how our money is spent. You have told the people of Minnesota that you stand for the ideals of democracy and free speech, but by shying away from being held accountable by the public for the State of Minnesota’s investments in genocide and apartheid, you have failed to demonstrate those ideals. I urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to reestablish and support robust public engagement with all SBI activities.