  1. United States
  2. Letter

Don’t Sleepwalk into the death of Democracy, Stack the Supreme Court

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in North Hollywood, CA

July 2

Don’t Sleepwalk into the death of Democracy, Stack the Supreme Court 6 Conservative Supreme Court Justices have eroded the human rights of all people as well as the justice system by destroying Roe v Wade, Chevron Deference, etc. Do not Sleep-Walk into a Dictatorship. Use the power you have just been granted to add 4 Supreme Court Justices. You can’t win on empty promises. You promised to restore Roe v Wade when you’re elected in November. However you’re in office now and you’re useless. Stop being polite to people that will ultimately tell us to bite the curb once your term is done. Everyone’s basic human rights are on the line. Stop being polite. Be useful. 13 Supreme Court Justices now.

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