  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28, 2024

I sit here in my living room, half a world away from the chaos, tearfully writing this plea. It feels outrageously difficult to comprehend the reality of life in a country where safety is a distant dream, and fear is as constant as the beating of one's heart. The relentless eruption of violence, the profound grief of communities, and the unjustifiable loss of innocent lives in Palestine cannot be overlooked. Every bullet funded and every weapon provided contributes to a torrent of suffering that no human being deserves to withstand. Yet, isn't it the duty of humanity to protect the weak from the strong? To guard the rights of those who are powerless against their oppressors? As a simple man who believes in the sanctity of life, I beseech you to consider the ramifications of the funding and arming of actions that cause harm to Palestinian civilians. Such actions are not a testament to progress, freedom, or peace but stand as a stark mockery of these values we hold dear. Uncountable Palestine families live in constant fear, their existence marred by violence, their lives considered disposable. No amount of political discourse can justify the perpetration of deliberate acts of violence against innocent civilians. With every passing second, the world cries out for untangled complexities to be replaced by simple, affirmative action: a ceasefire. It is in your power to hold the scales of justice in balance, to speak out against the funding of destructive acts, and to vehemently advocate for the cessation of brutality. Stand with me in advocating for peace, change and justice. Every life matters and it is time we stopped determining the value of a life based on geographical borders or racial backgrounds. The world watches and waits, hopeful for empathy, waiting for peace. Obliterate this division of humanity, cease the support of such brutality, and allow the sun of peace to rise again.

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