  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28, 2024

In the depth of despair and agony, I write this letter, not just as a grieving onlooker, but as an inhabitant of a world that we all share. The echoes of explosions and cries of innocent lives lost in the Israel-Palestine conflict resonate beyond borders and beg for international attention, compassion, and intervention. The urgency and moral obligation of this situation cannot be overstressed. It is beyond politics, beyond alliances; it is about humanity. As one voice in the cacophony of pleas for peace, I implore you to support an immediate ceasefire. Unbearable images and stories emerging from the conflict paint a haunting picture of terrible loss and devastation, which can no longer be ignored. It is unthinkable that the aid and arms sent by our nation continue to fuel this horrifying conflict. Thus, it is our moral duty to champion peace and call for an end to this brutal aggression, rather than fund the very tools that enable it. We, as an influential nation, must lead the way in breaking down the walls of oppression and injustice, starting with the immediate cessation of all military aid to Israel. Crimes against humanity, no matter where they occur, are an attack against us all. They are the antithesis of the principles we hold dear: liberty, justice, and equality. Therefore, it is vital to prevent any further suffering and destruction by staunchly advocating for peace and accountability, beginning with the immediate halt of any policies or actions that inadvertently support the mistreatment of innocent civilians. Let us turn our backs on violence and walk towards a horizon where peace and justice prevail.

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