  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Joe's Gotta Go

To: Rep. Larsen, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Bellingham, WA

July 16

Please urge President Biden to step down. As a lifelong committed democrat who has volunteered, donated, and knocked on doors for various campaigns, I am down now. This is your obligation for the welfare of our precious democracy. just find someone else to run--Andy Beshear looks great to me and I live in Washington state. If you honestly love this country, please urge Joe to step frankly despondent. Joe will not get the younger vote. Joe will not get the Latinex vote, and I honestly think we will lose the black vote--people simpl g whether I would vote for Biden right now. I am you're sure thing demographic, but I see him as someone who cannot win. Please urge him to step down and y will not turn out at the polls for Joe. They have lost confidence. I am a white, upper middle class professional 57-year-old woman, and I am questionin

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