  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Second Amendment Rights Infringement

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A constituent in Vancouver, WA

January 9

As an American that supports all rights outlined in the constitution, the frequent and blatant attacks on such rights is disgusting. The current Washington state bills in the house and senate targeting our 2nd Amendment rights is clearly about disarming and infringing on that right. I will ask that you as representatives of your state, country, and the constitution as it stands; oppose the following bills and any other infringements on law abiding citizens from the purchase, use, enjoyment, and self defense through firearms. WA Senate Bill 5098 - Restrictions on concealed carry locations WA Senate Bill 5099 - Overreach of rights by WSP on firearm dealers and the continuation of their business. WA House Bill 1132 - Restricting the 2nd amendment by limiting the number of firearms they can purchase and limiting the amount of ammunition one can purchase. Any increases, creation, or otherwise additional taxes on firearms, parts, ammunition. Any registration of firearms, licensing to purchase, or “red flag laws”. Please oppose these attacks on Americans by those who would see our rights taken away.

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