  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Allred, Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz

From: A constituent in Dallas, TX

November 18

The Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act aims to provide relief to U.S. nationals unlawfully or wrongfully detained abroad or held hostage by postponing tax deadlines, reimbursing paid late fees, and terminating the tax-exempt status of organizations providing material support to terrorist groups. However, granting the Internal Revenue Service broad authority to unilaterally revoke an organization's tax-exempt status based on secretive determinations raises significant due process concerns. I urge you to reject this approach that could be abused to target lawful advocacy groups. Instead, consider narrowly tailored measures focused on aiding hostages that uphold constitutional protections.

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