  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Schiff, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in West Hollywood, CA

October 18

I have written multiple times over the last year. Although Israel has a right to defend itself, it does not have the right to repeatedly break international law in its ethnic cleansing and genocide campaign against Palestinians. It has spread from Gaza, where Hamas is in control, to the West Bank, where Hamas is not in control. Now Israel is bombing civilian targets in Lebanon. And yes, I understand, Israel is surrounded by enemies, but they have also contributed to be the biggest bully in the neighborhood. Israel has repeatedly blocked the transportation of food, medicine, and fuel into Gaza. Repeatedly bombed hospitals and refugee camps.IDF snipers shooting women and children and the press and filming it and celebrating it. The United States literally has a law stating that we will not send weapons to countries that are breaking international law, and yet we continue to give Israel whatever they want. Polio is on the rise in Gaza. Growing up people would always ask “if you were alive during the Holocaust, would you have spoken out?” Israel’s war crimes and genocide are being filmed by Israel and broadcast every minute on social media. They are proud of their war crimes. And yet the United States continues to act like nothing is wrong, or just saying “we’re waiting for Israel to finish conducting their own investigations.” I have never in my 38 years of life been so ashamed and disgusted and sickened to be an American citizen. Please, please, I beg of you, push for some restrictions on arms to Israel. Even if all we do is actually uphold the laws already on the books, we must stop arming Israel without any conditions. Israel can defend itself without resorting to ethnic cleansing. And we have the ability to influence them to stop. Please do something, say something, now. Thank you for your time.

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