  1. United States
  2. Letter

Investigate civilian deaths in Rafah strike, halt Gaza offensive

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Bangor, ME

May 30

The recent deadly strike in Rafah that killed scores of displaced Palestinian civilians, including women and children, is a tragic incident that requires serious introspection. While Israel maintains it was targeting Hamas militants, the staggering civilian toll and the targeting of an area designated as a "safe zone" are deeply concerning. This disproportionate loss of innocent lives is unacceptable and casts doubt on the precautions taken to avoid civilian casualties. The ruling by the International Court of Justice last week called for halting operations in Rafah that could further harm Palestinians. Disregarding this ruling and continuing the offensive raises questions about Israel's commitment to upholding international law and protecting civilian lives. The horrific images from the scene lay bare the grave humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. While Israel has a right to defend itself against Hamas attacks, the means employed must conform to the laws of armed conflict and principles of necessity, distinction, and proportionality. The tragic toll in Rafah demands a full, transparent investigation into what went wrong and measures to prevent such catastrophic loss of civilian lives in the future. A halt to operations in Rafah would be a prudent step to avert further escalation and enable humanitarian assistance to reach those in desperate need.

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