  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Legalize cannabis, end unjust racial disparities in Georgia

To: Rep. Anulewicz, Gov. Kemp, Sen. Esteves

From: A constituent in Atlanta, GA

July 23

Georgia continues to deny its citizens the freedom to legally use cannabis while simultaneously depriving the state of a lucrative new source of tax revenue. Two-thirds of Georgians support legalizing cannabis, yet the state's refusal to do so results in the needless criminalization of tens of thousands each year. Regulating cannabis would generate substantial tax dollars that could be reinvested into communities, while allowing Georgian adults to legally purchase and enjoy a product that is objectively safer than alcohol. It's time for Georgia to prioritize economic opportunity and personal liberty by legalizing and taxing cannabis for adults aged 21 and over.

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