  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Reconsider Bisignano nomination to safeguard Social Security integrity

To: Sen. Vance, Sen. Brown

From: A verified voter in Willoughby, OH

December 28, 2024

The nomination of Frank Bisignano to lead the Social Security Administration raises significant concerns about protecting this vital program and ensuring its continued ability to serve millions of Americans. As a wealthy corporate executive with no experience in public service or social policy, Bisignano's background suggests a lack of understanding of the needs of seniors and disabled individuals who rely on Social Security benefits. His corporate leadership style of cutting costs through layoffs and worker reductions is deeply troubling when applied to a federal agency charged with administering crucial retirement and disability benefits. There are fears that Bisignano could push for measures that would undermine Social Security, such as raising the retirement age, privatizing portions of the program, or other austerity policies. Social Security does not contribute to the federal deficit and is fully self-funded through payroll taxes, yet it faces baseless attacks portraying it as financially unsustainable. In reality, adjustments like removing the cap on payroll taxes for high income earners could fully fund Social Security for the foreseeable future. This pivotal agency requires leadership committed to strengthening and preserving Social Security as a foundation of economic security for America's most vulnerable populations. Bisignano's corporate background supporting profits over people raises doubts about his ability to uphold this vital responsibility. A reconsideration of his nomination is warranted to protect this linchpin social program from potential sabotage.

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