  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Renton, WA

July 22

Mr. President. You have served with honor for most of your life, indeed, your dedication has been amazing. The decision you have made to step aside had to be one of the most difficult you have ever faced. In so doing, you have set your own goals and desires aside and made a decision for the good of an entire nation. For that I send you a huge hug, because you seriously deserve thanks at that personal a level. You may be sure that I fully intended to vote for you had you gone forth with your campaign. Now I shall wholeheartedly support your chosen successor. Thank you, President Biden. It is with sadness that I see this chapter close. But, having worn the uniform of the United States during my time in the service, I understand an act of deep honor when I see one. Thank you, and Dóminus vobíscum.

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