- United States
- Okla.
- Letter
Republican call to scrape Work safety agency is not the smart move for states or our country. House republican Andy Biggs is misguided in his attempt to dismantle the Occupational safety and Health Administration from the department of Labor. States are not uniformly committed to the tenants of safety, and do not have the staffing or the experience to insure safe workplaces for their constituency. His agruement is that states have the ability govern thenselves. As a member of the public, states do not take the initiative to hold accountable businesses and corporations for safety violations that result in death. Without OSHA many workers will be left venerable to unsafe working conditions. OSHA should be a weapon, For the bad actor corporations and businesses that violate the basic safety tenants of the work place. States are not policing it. I expect you to turn down this bill, and support worker safety from the federal level . Without your support I will be voting for representation that supports the OSHA. Please reply with your support.