  1. United States
  2. Letter

Review military aid policies after deadly Rafah strike

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

May 29

Our government's provision of munitions that enabled the deadly strike on the Kuwaiti Al-Salam Camp 1 near Rafah is deeply concerning. The New York Times' visual analysis confirmed that Israeli forces used US-made GBU-39 bombs in this attack, which killed at least 45 civilians, including those displaced from their homes, and wounded over 240 more. As a taxpayer, I firmly object to my contributions funding weapons that facilitate violence against innocent lives, including a strike on a refugee camp. This tragedy underscores the urgent need to re-evaluate our military aid policies and ensure stricter oversight on how US-supplied arms are utilized to uphold human rights and prevent civilian casualties. Our tax dollars must not enable actions that contradict our nation's values of protecting the vulnerable and preserving human dignity. I urge an immediate review of this incident and our aid framework to Israel to prevent the recurrence of such devastating outcomes.

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