- United States
- Texas
- Letter
Please reconsider banning THC products outside the medical approval. It seems like lobbyists have all of the power because they have the money. There are many people that use OTC hemp derived products because access to medical products is difficult for them. You should be passing recreational thc and taxing it appropriately to improve our public school system. You know, like they said the lottery would do. I guess I don't understand why people that don't like using these products just don't, unless there is big money behind the Medical side. That is how most people think of politicians now, as being bought by the person with the most money. I am getting off of the THC subject and saying that Texas is better than what you are giving us. Allow Texans to vote on things like abortion access and THC use. As it looks now, it seems you have been bought by special interests. Texans should choose for themselves how they live their lives.