  1. United States
  2. Letter

Request to step down from your candidacy

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Portland, OR

July 2

Dear sir, Thank you for your years of service to our country, I can’t thank you enough for leading us back out of the dark times of 2016-20. I hope you’ll understand that I appreciate everything you’ve done for this country even if there are positions that I don’t necessarily agree with all the time. I feel very nervous about the state of our nation and I’m worried that we’re on the cusp of losing our democracy to a fully engaged and energized far right led by Donald Trump. I know that all eyes are on you and that the responsibility you feel must be indescribable. But I’m hopeful that you’ll see that this fight, a fight that you have fought so very, very well, needs more energy and effort to overcome such very dark forces. And I’m hopeful that you’ll see your way towards stepping aside and letting the next generation take on Trump full force - with your blessing and your backing. Thank you so very much for the ground that you have gained. I believe it’s time to hand the ball off to another contender. I appreciate you and the sacrifices you have made for all of us. Your constituent, Michael Brooks - Portland, Oregon

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