  1. United States
  2. Letter

Please Sign HR 5490 BEACH Act

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Saratoga, CA

November 23

Today I take pen in hand to write and urge you to sign HR 5490, the Bolstering Ecosystems Against Coastal Harm Act that recently passed in Congress.   Supported  by the Surfrider Foundation, National Wildlife Foundation, NRDC, and numerous others concerned with floodplains and coastal and Great Lakes protection, this bill has numerous benefits in the era of climate change.   The bill also provides protections for inland communities, and to limit development of important barrier islands and wetlands, amongst other provisions.   It’s a rare show of bipartisan support for helping our coastal regions and the people living there. Please sign this bill at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your service to our nation as President these past four years, and for your entire career in Congress.

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