An open letter to Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet.
  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet

From: A verified voter in Florissant, CO

April 18

Gentlemen, Thank you for your service and I pray this note finds you well. There are 2 things… just TWO things that EVERYONE I have ever spoken with agrees on. First, everyone agrees that Daylight Savings is something they want to do away with. In our state, where some wildlife graze during twilight periods, are doing so when drivers are going to and from home and work in those darkened conditions. There was concern, once upon a time, when 2000 rolled into reality, that all the Microsoft programs only went up to 1999. It through offices into turmoil as calendars didn’t line up, therefore appointments weren’t lining up as predicted. A fix was put into place and here we are. Since AZ and one county in IL, I believe, are already exempt from DLS, we shouldn’t have any issues like in the past. Second, the Electoral College is something that makes absolutely no sense in today’s world. Everyone agrees that it should be One Person = One Vote. It’s the only way to know for certain that our vote counts. I just thought of a third thing everyone I’ve ever agree upon… marijuana should NOT be a Schedule One drug. Perhaps, the President can campaign on these? It’s a matter of gaining support and solidarity. Please continue doing the good work for Colorado. You are truly appreciated. Live from Teller County, Julie

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