  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

CONGRESS The horrors that seep daily from the heart of the Middle East into our living rooms are neither a fabrication nor a product of fickle news cycle sensationalism, but the grim reality of life for Palestinians living under the specter of violence and uncertainty - much of it, tragically, funded by the United States. This ceaseless discord, rife with crimes against humanity, is fueled by a constant inflow of arms and funds that prop up an agenda that tramples upon the rights and lives of innocent civilians. It provokes the question; is this what our tax dollars should support? Should our resources truly be directed towards financing a turmoil that tears families apart, snuffs out dreams, and obliterates the very premise of a peaceful existence? Every single day, we house a war on the other side of the world. We are complicit as missiles shatter homes, dreams, and bodies under our flag's name. Imagine this for a moment - a mother sending her children to school without assurance of their safe return, a father who might not live to realize the dreams he has for his family, young children compelled to accept the looming presence of death as a daily companion. This is the reality lived by countless Palestinians. It is a savage reality that our contributions should not maintain. Action is needed now. Not token commitments ornately dressed as resolutions but real, substantial action. The call to cease this funding of high-tech weapons that yield death and destruction is not only a humane plea, it is a vital demand for justice. Here lies an opportunity for us to question this part of our foreign policy, to truly contemplate the value of lives over strategic interests. More than ever, humanity calls us to shed political conveniences and embrace the sanctity of life above all else. I appeal for a swift, comprehensive ceasefire and the suspension of arms funding to Israel that keeps the machineries of war grinding; a plea from the heart of one ordinary man inextricably woven into the tapestry of humanity.

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