  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

I write in deepest anguish, pain and desolation imposed by the ongoing violence that has plagued our world, specifically the horrifying events unfolding between Israel and Palestine. I speak for the voiceless, for those innocent lives nipped in the bud, for homes reduced to rubble and for a people swallowed by a conflict larger than their individual existence. I can't stand by and watch any longer without pleading for an end to this devastating conflict. It is crucial to highlight my grave concerns regarding the United States' continued support and funding of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians. This undeniable assistance is tantamount to complacency in these horrendous bloodbaths. The procurement and dispatch of arms to further fuel these actions is grievously unjust. The funding and armament aid provided stokes the fire of this ongoing strife, leaving the innocent lives caught in between to bear the brunt of our actions. This practice stands in direct violation of the principles guiding human rights and well-being, and it must be halted. An end to the blatant commission of crimes against humanity, a stop to the fevered fanning of the flames - this is an immediate request. I call on you to champion a future where peace is not a distant dream, but a tangible reality. Take pivotal steps towards non-violence. Respond to those cries that reach you from the heart of Gaza and the soul of Jerusalem. I appeal for the ceasefire, for the immediate halt in violence that has stolen lives, dreams and the basic human right to live in peace. Let the tragedy of today inspire a better tomorrow, free of violence, fear and desolation. The time for change is now; the world is watching and waiting.

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