  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Albany, CA

May 14

I am Jewish and an active member of my local reform synagogue. It is time for you to say boldly as I and many friends have been saying for months that while we support any and all Israelis and Palestinians who are willing to view the other as human beings and strive to support a society which values the human rights of all individuals we do not support the actions of the Israeli government and its very right wing supporters who advocate and perpetrate violence. It is past time to halt the continued US aid to Israel. This does not mean you do not care for the country and its people. On the contrary it is because you care that you have to stand up and denounce and decry the unnecessary .s and useless violence. Destroying Hamas by inflicting devastation on innocent Palestinian citizens is a chimera, a thinly veiled excuse for what at this point amounts to genocide. And the final straw should be the actions of settlers today in preventing humanitarian aid, again by the most violent means. Enough!! Enough! It MUST stop and we in the US have the biggest clout. If you value what the true Israel should stand for then speak out against the violence and force a ceasefire by stopping the flow of military aid.

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