- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A constituent in Athens, OH
November 12, 2024
Organizations are manipulating the FLSA to devalue careers that require graduate-level education. To make it easier for HR to segregate between exempted and non-exempted personnel, they are failing to meet the minimum salary requirements and instead lumping folks well above the minimum into the non-exempted grouping. Which, in turn, sets a hidden cap on the amount anyone can make through annual raises. The requirements set by the Act are not stringent enough and allow employers to circumvent the spirit of the law at the expense of employees. Look at what higher education employers like Ohio University is about to do to its Professional Exemption staff. It's bad enough we are about to be hit with worse in the next Administration, but we're getting hit ahead of schedule when this takes effect on the first of the year. Please prevent this.